Utstilling i Bergen 26. mai 2024
Ordinær påmeldingsfrist Bergen 2024
Vi gjentar suksessen fra ifjor med en samarbeidsutstilling med alle gruppe 10 rasene. Samme helg som NKK Bergen 🙂
Dommere i år er:
Mark Wibier, Whippet
Andrej Kerpan, øvrige gruppe 10 raser
BIS finaler
Sotra Videregående skule, Branndalsmyra 61, 5353 Straume
Søndag 26/05-2024 kl:09:00-16.00

PM-Myndeutstilling-Bergen 2024

With great pleasure I have accepted the invitation from the board of the Norse Whippet Klubb to judge your dogs at this years Myndeutstilllung. For me, 2024 is an anniversary year. Exactly 25 years ago, my life was enriched by Whippets after Afghan Hounds and Borzois came into my life before. Since then, we have not been without the loving companionship of one or more Whippets. Over all these years, the Whippet breed has become an indispensable part of our lives. The Whippet is our breed of passion, alongside the Old English Sheepdogs that we successfully bred until a few years ago, and the family breed, the Dutch Shepherds, with which I grew up and which were my introduction to this hobby, in which I have been active as a breeder/exhibitor/judge for over 40 years now.

Due to our efforts in Old English Sheepdog breeding, we have not bred Whippets. In our situation, we believed that, alongside our jobs and other canine activities and responsibilities, we could only responsibly focus on one breed. Consequently, only one litter of Whippets was born to us. However, we endeavor to make a responsible contribution to the breed through our stud dogs.

We have successfully shown our males internationally and participated in coursing events. Due to my judging appointments both domestically and internationally, as well as my job, we show less than we would like to do. I also view it as an important contribution to judging to occasionally exhibit, so that I experience the same tension and excitement as every exhibitor whose dog I judge. In my opinion It is good for judges to experience what exhibiting feels like on the otherside of the table.

Since 2007, I have been appointed as a judge by the VDH (Verband für das Deutsche Hundewesen, German Kennel Club), and upon my return to the Netherlands, by the Raad van Beheer. I am a group judge for groups 10 and 1, as well as several breeds in various other breed groups. Besides judging I am the chairman of the Dutch judges committee, responsible for the post scholing of the approved judges I have had the honor and pleasure of judging in 24 countries on three continents, including specialties and WDS Judging one’s own breed at a specialty show is always something special and a privilege as well I am looking forward to a beautiful day with like-minded people and beautiful Whippets!